
George Henry Story (1835-1923)

George Henry Story was a painter of portraits, landscape and genre and curator and acting director of two major American museums, and an early portraitist of President Abraham Lincoln.

While in Washington for a period of time, Story had met the President, drawing him in pencil. At a later date, Story again sketched Lincoln for three days in the Oval office, preparing to paint a commissioned portrait of the President. He actually painted several portraits of Lincoln. Story wrote about this experience: "After each sitting, I returned to my room and worked upon my picture with my sitter vividly in mind, almost as though he were in my actual presence." - https://www.askart.com/artist/George_Henry_Story/21587/George_Henry_Story.aspx, 18.05.2021

Mit tudunk


was born New Haven (Connecticut) 1835


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