
Francesco I. Sforza (1401-1466)

"Francesco Sforza (* 23. Juli 1401 in San Miniato, Provinz Pisa; † 6. März 1466 in Mailand) war der Gründer der Dynastie der Sforza in Mailand." - (Wikipedia (de) 17.11.2019)

Mit tudunk


was born San Miniato 1401. július 23.
died Milánó 1466. március
Husband of Bianca Maria Visconti
Husband of Polissena Ruffo
Lover of Giovanna d'Acquapendente
father of Galeazzo Maria Sforza [son of], Bianca Maria Visconti [mother of]
father of Ippolita Maria Sforza [daughter of], Bianca Maria Visconti [mother of]
father of Filippo Maria Sforza [son of], Bianca Maria Visconti [mother of]
father of Sforza Maria Sforza [son of], Bianca Maria Visconti [mother of]
father of Ludovico Sforza [son of], Bianca Maria Visconti [mother of]
father of Ascanio Maria Sforza [son of], Bianca Maria Visconti [mother of]
father of Tristano Sforza
father of Polissena Sforza [daughter of], Giovanna d'Acquapendente [mother of]
son of Giacomo Attendolo [father of], Lucia Terzani [mother of]


bridegroom Polissena Ruffo Nápoly 1418. október 19.
bridegroom Bianca Maria Visconti Cremona 1441. október 25.

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