
Wolfgang Karg (1927-2016)

"Wolfgang Siegfried Karg (1927-2016) was an East German entomologist who specialised in mites (Acari).
Following captivity in World War II he completed high school and teacher training, and then taught in high schools from 1948 to 1950 in Groß-Alsleben, Sachsen-Anhalt, in what was then East Germany.
He received his doctorate in 1960 from Humboldt University in Berlin and completed his habilitation in 1965 with a thesis on phylogeny of predatory mites.
From 1956 he worked at the Biological Research Centre in Berlin. In 1990 he was appointed professor.
He worked on the effect of pesticides on microarthropods in various ecosystems; predatoy mites in agronomy; and the systematics and phylogeny of Mesostigmata, and was awarded the Fabricius medal in 1993 by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Angewandte Entomologie (German entomology society)." - (Wikipedia (en) 24.03.2022)

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Írott/szerzett mű alkotása Wolfgang Karg (1927-2016)